Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Damn you Spindle pin!!!!

So this weekend I got started taking my rear suspension apart and of course I had to start with the springs.

Picked these up at Harbor Freight for under $10.

From Z2

Worked like a champ.

From Z2

With the spring pressure relieved I can unbolt the top hat.

From Z2

This purple substance appears to have once been some sort of bushing or bump stop.

Totally FUBARed.

From Z2

shortly after removing the spring assembly I realized that I don't have a wrench that is anywhere NEAR big enough for this.

I measured it out to 51mm!!!! WTF? Did all of you guys really go out and buy a $60 wrench for these bastards?

From Z2

Finally we meet....

From Z2

Pulled the little stopper thingy.

From Z2

And then stepped into ultra-fabrication mode.

From Z2

Check it.

From Z2

Coupler nut.

From Z2

LOL. Ridiculous spindle pin puller contraption!

From Z2


From Z2

"This is totally gonna work!"

From Z2


From Z2

haha ok ok maybe it wont.

So then I start thinking with my tools.

From Z2

The issue here was that I couldn't get it to stay straight.

From Z2

It kept pulling from an angle.


Looks like I'm getting the spindle pin puller tool from HybridZ.

Oh well.... :(


  1. Dude. Please document this. I've stayed far away from this, but one day I want lower control arms so Im gonna have to do it.

    For the gland nuts I used a pipe wrench. I had a giant cresent the same size as a pipe wrench and all it did was round it off.

  2. lol. Will do man.

    Hopefully the custom tool from the guy on the board will work. If not I'm just gonna get it professionally pressed.

    Pics will be up of my epic triumph either way.

  3. That is Totally Great Sander!!!


  4. Hey guys, if I can find the spindle pin puller I'll be happy to mail it to guys to use. No promises that I can find it though. LOL. I'll check through my boxes o' parts later today. It was totally worth the money though...

    Oh and for the top of the strut, I just used a big pipe wrench a la Mario Bros.

  5. I actually just ordered one from the guy that makes them on HybridZ. Thanks though for the offer bro!

  6. Pipe wrench was my answer for the gland nut.
