Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Welding Shit up!

Finally got my hands on a welder!

From Z2

Tim brought over his Hobart 110v Mig welder. It was running solid core 22ga. copper coated wire. He also brought an awesome Craftsman air cutter, and a die grinder.

I brought the beer.

From Z2

As you can see the seat bracket was broken by the previous owner, and there is a little hole under the floor mat hook that needs to be ground out and patched up.

From Z2

We marked out the lines that we would have to cut off of the seat bracket so we are able to make nice straight welds and ensure that the seat bracket will hold up.

From Z2

This die grinder was perfect for cleaning up the holes in the floor.

From Z2

It was gentle enough so that it was difficult to remove more material than we had to, which is great since we just wanted to remove the corroded rusty shit.

From Z2

We just hit this with a wire brush and it was ready to go.

From Z2

I have to get one of these rotary cutters.

From Z2

It literally cut through 16ga steel like butter.

From Z2

Finishing cutting out the junk metal.

From Z2

I just picked up a small plate of 16ga steel at Home Depot. Cut it up with some tin snips and clamped it on.

From Z2


From Z2

From Z2

From Z2

Not too shabby for my first welds ever! :D

From Z2

The first run on the seat bracket is complete.

I need to grind down my giant welds and patch up the inevitable holes and such. I need this to be a pretty diesel bracket as I am a beast and will surely break it if it is weak. I will also be tacking up the floors next.

Big thanks to Tim for coming over and teaching me how to weld. I can't wait to get my own gear and start fabbing up my own gear!


  1. Daaaaaamn. My first welds looked like poo compared to yours! Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to practice since then.

  2. haha thanks man. Welding is like my favorite shit right now.

    I'm stoked on it.

  3. good start man. welding is fun, you will get the hang of it really fast.

  4. OMG. That will one of best projects one day. Keep working as you do!!!
