Monday, July 11, 2011

Outer Rear Wheel Bearing Removal

After asking everyone I could think of and searching for an answer, it seemed like my only option for removing the outer rear wheel bearings from my stub axles was to go to a shop and have them pulled.

From Z3

As you might have been able to guess, this is not an option for me, as I am extraordinarily pig headed and cheap. Enter Harbor Freight.

For $49.99 I bought this.

From Z3

A full wheel bearing puller set.

Setup was straight forward enough.

From Z3

I set the contraption very loosely in my vise so it still has room to expand, but won't spin. The threaded rod on the top pushes against the axle while the silver bearing pullers lift the bearing off the stub axle.

From Z3

A few spins of the breaker bar and shablam.

From Z3

There are two surfaces on the stub axle that need to be pulled through the bearing.

Repeat with both sides and you're done!

From Z3

I had this whole job done in about 45 minutes both sides.
I very highly recommend this kit as long as it fits your specific wheel bearings. On my 73 240z it just barely fit.


  1. Thanks for the tip..looks like I will need to take a trip to harbor freight before I take on the wheel bearings since I am also "extraordinarily pig headed and cheap".

  2. haha awesome. This tool works mint.
    Your motor rebuild is pure "carnography".

    I hope my future motor looks that good!

  3. Thanks. The motor was a lot of fun to put together but I am glad to finally move onto the next step in getting the car back on the road.

  4. That would be really nice if you list more of all the kinds of bearings you have there. babbit bearings

  5. You can carefully tap the races back in ,
